Been a busy few days, but wanted to get this out...
Last weekend Katie and I hit the road to race in the LT Mark Dooley 5k "Race of Remembrance" in Wilmington, VT. The race is in honor of my friend Mark, who was killed in Iraq on September 19th, 2005, while serving with the Vermont National Guard. The race also honors all of the fallen of Vermont, and their families.
It was a great day with many old friends, and the Hashers were represented two years in a row. Everyone missed John this year, but were a little relieved I didn't bring up "the ringer" again! However, the Dance did travel north again....more on that....much later.
Please visit www.markdooley5k.com for more information about the race, which will be held annually.
Also, take time to visit the Vermont Fallen Families Global War on Terror Memorial at vtfallenfamilies.org, which will be dedicated on Veterans Day.
Results of the race can be found at www.coolrunning.com/results/10/vt/Sep19_LtMark_set1.shtml
(Sorry, I couldn't get the links to work)
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