Nine Highlands Hashers turned out for The Freezing Cold Hash on Saturday, and a great time was had by all. (I was going to use Convivial)
Congratulations to "Butters" and "Hairy Palmer" for recieving their Hash names before the event, and Congratz to the Highlands Hashers for winning the coveted "Hairiest Back Award".
We met a lot of great people on Saturday, and hopefully we will hear from them again !
Highlands Hashers Results:
1 Bottle of Jagermeister
2 Hip Flasks of Scotch
1 Tall Boy SixPack if Schaeffer
1 Six Pack of PBR
2 Beer Checks
1 12-Pack of Busch Beer
....and that was before the On-After at the Green Derby !
I believe I saw a bottle of Coke.
Recognition to Roadie for an act of heroism. He aided a fellow over a barbed wire fence. See photo inset.
The fellow Hasher that Brian rescued was Dave, a 70 year old Hasher from the Shore AC, very cool guy that hung with us toward the end of the hash.
a 70 year old Hasher that climbed a barbed wire fence rather than go "the easy way," mind you....
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