Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Episode 43 - 2010 Hashathon

Congratulations to John and Brian on their awards! They looked pretty sweet. Hopefully the trail footage will remind us next year to wear more appropriate footwear... or to pack more Advil.

Had to leave some footage on the cutting room floor. Enjoy.


Bob said...

"Why not run with a camera?"

Good question, Dave.

Gene said...

I take it back Gonad, I'm glad you ran with the camera, you did get some great video footage....Way to jeopardize your running for the video!

Ron said...

Superlative vidio Dave. You captured the essence of a great trail run plus the "agony of da feet".

Shamus J Babcock said...

Gene was able to battle back to come in 935th place. Good job.