Friday, April 22, 2011

Episode 46 - 2011 Boston Marathon

I hear they have beer in Boston. Many thanks to all those that provided encouragement and support over the last two years. This video is for you, enjoy:

And thanks for all the well-wishing and congratulations. It was pretty cool. Next time I'm giving Ron his own camera.


John said...

Congrats on the race to both Dave and Ron! Also, nice job on the video; very fun. One question: why was Gene wearing a sweater in the hot tub?

JB said...

Nice work. Can't believe you dragged a camera along for 26.2

Ron said...

Congratulations Dave! You captured a perfect day in Boston. This must be the trailer, when does the movie come out?

Gene said...

Sure, Sure, how convenient that you didnt get Wellesley footage. I'm sure we will be talking about "The Lost Wellesley Tapes" for years to come.Hey what happens in Wellesley stays in Wellesley.

Shamus J Babcock said...

the parakeet cried at 2:40...what a puss.

great job, nad.