Saturday, January 7, 2012

Freezing Cold Hash

Veni, vidi, vomi.

We came, we saw,
we vomited.

also...Hairiest Back, Best Trail Scars, FRB.


Andy said...

From the collection of scrapes/bruises/and other such injuries, as well as my amnesia, I am forced to conclude that I wrestled with a jungle cat, I think I also ate something orange....

Bob said...

The "jungle cat" was probably Gene.

"Something orange" was definitely the bag of Doritos.

Shamus J Babcock said...

Who brought Hank the angry drunken dwarf? I thought that guy died?

Bob Shields said...

The "Something Orange" could have been the mud from the stream we had to cross.

Dave said...

Someone handed me one of those Korean things... thought that was orange in color...